Friday, July 1, 2022

Virtualization, Disaggregation Increase Risk of Outages

As computing architectures become more disaggregated and virtualized, it is almost inevitable that outages caused by the use of many more network elements, platforms, suppliers, operating systems and applications will grow. 

Multi-cloud computing, hybrid computing, edge computing and remote computing all mean that the availability of transport and access fabrics now is part of the availability performance. 

source: Uptime Institute 

Prolonged downtime is becoming more common in publicly-reported outages, Uptime Institute says. Also, outages are lasting longer. 

The gap between the beginning of a major public outage and full recovery has stretched significantly over the last five years, with nearly 30 percent of these outages in 2021 lasted more than 24 hours, according to the Uptime Institute. 

source: Uptime Institute

Human error also drives some downtime, in addition to network element, server, configuration or other  software failures. 

source: Uptime Institute 

Why Metaverse Might Take 30 Years to Reach Ubiquity

Experts surveyed by Pew Research believe that augmented and mixed-reality applications will dominate full virtual reality environments in 2040. But half of the experts also believe the “metaverse” will not be common in the lives of most consumers by that point. 

A table showing two meta themes that anchored many experts' predictions

A table showing the reasons The metaverse will fully emerge as its advocates predict

A table showing the reason thatThe metaverse will not fully emerge in the way today’s advocates hope

source: Pew Research 

This will be unwelcome news for many metaverse proponents. But it is historically realistic. 

Major technology transitions typically take much longer than proponents expect. One common facet of new technology adoption is that change often comes with a specific pattern: a sigmoid curve such as the Gompertz model or Bass model. 

S curves explain overall market development, customer adoption, product usage by individual customers, sales productivity, developer productivity and sometimes investor interest. It often is used to describe adoption rates of new services and technologies, including the notion of non-linear change rates and inflection points in the adoption of consumer products and technologies.

In mathematics, the S curve is a sigmoid function. It is the basis for the Gompertz function which can be used to predict new technology adoption and is related to the Bass Model.

Such curves suggest a longish period of low adoption, followed by an inflection point leading to rapid adoption.

That leads supporters to overestimate early adoption and vastly underestimate later adoption. Mobile phone adoption, and smart phone adoption, illustrate the process. You might think adoption is a linear process. In fact, it tends to be non-linear.

Also, the more fundamental the change, the longer to reach mass adoption. Highly-useful “point technologies” such as telephones, electricity, mobile phones, smart phones, the internet and so forth can easily take a decade to reach 10-percent adoption. Adoption by 40 percent of people can take another decade to 15 years. And adoption by more than 40 percent of people can take another decade to 15 years. 

source: MIT Technology Review 

That suggests a 30-year adoption cycle for a specific innovation that has high value to be used by 40 percent to 70 percent of people. Something such as metaverse, which is far more complicated, could easily take 30 years to reach 40 percent of people in ordinary use. 

That might mean at least a decade before metaverse apps are in common use by 10 percent of people. Even then, use cases are likely to be dominated by gaming, business communications and video entertainment. 

source: Robert Patterson 

The sigmoid function arguably is among the most-important mathematical expressions one ever encounters in the telecom, application and device businesses. It applies to business strategy overall, new product development, strategy for legacy businesses, customer adoption rates, marketing messages and  capital deployment, for example. 

The sigmoid function applies to startups as well as incumbents; software and hardware; products and services; new and legacy lines of business. 

source: Innospective

The concept has been applied to technology adoption in the notion of crossing the chasm of value any technology represents for different users. Mainstream users have different values than early adopters, so value propositions must be adjusted as any new technology product exhausts the market of early adopters. Early adopters can tolerate bugs, workarounds or incomplete on-boarding and support experiences. They tend to be price insensitive. 

It always takes longer than one expects for a major new innovation to become ubiquitous. Metaverse, being a complicated development, might take longer than any point innovation.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Metaverse Will Not be Common in Consumer Life in 2040, Experts Say

Experts surveyed by Pew Research believe that augmented and mixed-reality applications will dominate full virtual reality environments in 2040. But half of the experts also believe the “metaverse” will not be common in the lives of most consumers by that point. 

A table showing two meta themes that anchored many experts' predictions

A table showing the reasons The metaverse will fully emerge as its advocates predict

A table showing the reason thatThe metaverse will not fully emerge in the way today’s advocates hope

source: Pew Research 

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Digitze or Die?

Digitize or die might be too simple a phrase to capture strategy for firms and nations seeking to boost their productivity. In fact, it might be the case that the relationship between digital technology intensity and productivity is far more complex than that. Consider the case of South Korea, considered by nearly everyone to be a country that is advanced in its adoption of new technology. 

Despite that status, the productivity gap between South Korea and the United States is widening, says Pooya Nikooyeh, McKinsey & Company partner. Assume you agree that productivity can be measured; that some countries are by such measures “more productive.” 

source: Statista 

Assume you believe there is a correlation between wealth and productivity. One still is left with unclear causal relationships, even if correlation appears to exist. We might note that progress is uneven. Social infrastructure seems to play a role in explaining the effectiveness of converting inputs to outputs.  

source: OECD 

Almost nobody disagrees that information technology is correlated with productivity growth, but most also would observe that the process is not uniform. 

Matters are probably not dissimilar at the firm level. Some industries seem to realize more direct and immediate benefits from applied information technology than others, just as some industries are considered more vulnerable to digital change. 

source: McKinsey

The unanswered question is how much digital technology will change business results in some industries that have historically not seen the obvious upside from digital technology change. The same sort of uncertainty seems to apply even to whole nations.  

Cybersecurity Tops CIO Priorities in 2022, Foundry Says

Some 59 percent of chief information officers surveyed by Foundry expect their technology budgets to increase in 2022, reaching pre-Covid pandemic levels. About 49 percent expected budget boosts in 2021. 

It is not clear how much priorities will shift away from remote work and contactless customer and employee experiences, as was the case in 2020 and 2021. 

Still, the technology initiatives with the most investment in 2022 are security and /risk management, data and business analytics, application and legacy systems modernization, customer experience technologies, and cloud migration, according to Foundry. 

source: CIO 

source: CIO 

MWC and AI Smartphones

Mobile World Congress was largely about artificial intelligence, hence largely about “AI” smartphones. Such devices are likely to pose issue...