Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Generative AI is Still Too Expensive for Many Use Cases

Lost in all the enthusiasm about generative AI are the costs to create and use models. Basically, the cost buckets include the initial cost of training a model; then the cost of supporting queries (prompts); and also the cost of the server infrastructure to support the operations. 

So far, concrete answers about how to monetize generative AI, beyond the generic “advertising, subscriptions, pay-per-use or licensing models have been proposed. 

To be sure, focused smaller models of the sort a single firm, in a single industry, might consider, to support customer service, marketing, sales or product development, for example, are relatively low, compared to the cost of training and using huge models, as in a search application, for example. 

Parameter Size

Training Cost

Prompt Cost

Infrastructure Cost

100 million parameters




1 billion parameters

$100,000-$1 million



10 billion parameters

$1 million-$10 million


$100,000-$1 million

Monday, June 5, 2023

Generative AI Training Costs

It is fairly obvious why generative AI is going to increase the need for computing resources: training an algorithm requires identifying patterns and structures within any data set. And that can be quite complex, depending on the number of parameters to be sampled, and parameters can run into the billions. 

In addition to the number of parameters, the sheer volume of data makes a difference, observers note. Specialized chatbots are less compute intensive while natural language translation can be quite compute intensive. 

Use Case

Data Set Size

Estimated Training Cost

Chatbot (small)

100 GB


Chatbot (large)

1 TB


Image generator (small)

100 GB


Image generator (large)

10 TB


Text summarization (small)

100 GB


Text summarization (large)

100 TB


Natural language translation (small)

100 GB


Natural language translation (large)

1 PB


MWC and AI Smartphones

Mobile World Congress was largely about artificial intelligence, hence largely about “AI” smartphones. Such devices are likely to pose issue...